What is the brain basis of learning and memory?
We'll work our way up from simple learning to complex learning & memory processes
how do things in the environment get associated together?
what is Learning Theory (Pavlov, Skinner)? can it explain all learning?
are learning & memory the same in humans as in other animals?
what changes in the brain when we learn something new?
how are memories stored?
how do these brain changes relate to amnesia? Alzheimer's? PTSD? eye-witness testimony?
Bonus this summer! attending the School of Medicine's Annual Alzheimer's Disease Conference

Satisfies: PSYC Area II; Neuroscience Minor; Cognitive Sciences & Honors course requirements
Prerequisites: PSYC 1100 or BIOL 1107 or BIOL 1108. Recommended: PSYC 2200
Required Texts/Materials: Textbook (TBD), additional readings will be distributed in class or via HuskyCT
Grading: Quizzes, two midterms and a final examination.
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